collection of wallpapers i've made over the years

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collection of wallpapers i've made over the years
screenshots of my customized linux machines
web-based {ansi/ascii/text} art editor
a fun unicode font tool
random stream of corrupted conciousness
drawing 3D lines in flash algorithmically
plotting chaotic behavior in 3D
randomized graffiti generator
the font, code, and mentoring for this project courtsey of praystation
music player, audio visualizer, and album selection interface experiment
fun with 3D ray-casting and math quaternions
explore the moon in 3D with flash
the infection - web coffee table book
web collages from cr4p.xero.nu, punkbiatch.com, fucking.unquiet.org, and lobotomy.org
webdesign / photoshop / typography / photography / graffiti work. scroll horizontally
metroid styled xero.nu that coincided with release of the metroid code breaker
generate passwords for the nintendo NES metroid video game
build log for a dedicated gaming computer inside a vintage nintendo nes
early 00's #netart
a circular 3D interface with photos from our hawaiian honeymoon
generating ASCII art from webcam data