Making Everything Fit

The greatest deal of time in this project was a combination of planning and trial and error. Just putting in all the parts and trying to close the case. This method was effective, yet in the end detrimental. I ended up stripping the screw holes in the case from trying to close it so many times. When trying to make it all fit, take it easy on the case. And only close it once: last.
Here is my nespc right before I screwed it all together the last time. The important stuff to notice: the USB cable that comes out the back threw the hole. The power wires under the IDE cables. (the only way they would fit) How close the IDE cables are behind the Frankendrive to the back of the case. There's probably 1/8cm left.
Here's a picture of the fan mounted. I just epoxyed it to the bottom of the case. The little fan that manages to cool the whole case. The secret is the fan blows out hot air, and the original nes vent allows cool air to flow into the case naturally.

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